Propaganda techniques

Cards (18)

  • Advertisement
    A promotion of a product and service that can be seen in various forms of media, can also push certain ideas and points of view
  • Propaganda
    Techniques used to influence opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior, systematic effort to manipulate other people's beliefs, attitudes, or actions by means of symbols, purpose: to benefit the sponsor, to persuade, appeals to the emotions, not the intellect
    • uses a well-known figure or celebrity who makes claims about the product or service.
    • endorsing an idea/product by a prominent person.
    • makes a claim that everyone else is using the product or service and that anyone who does not use it is missing out.
    • invites you to join the crowd.
    • “Everybody’s doing it!”
  • involves “ordinary people” to make an impression that the product is for all social status.
    Plain Folk
  • uses a symbol of respect or reverence to convey credibility or authority (cross, flag, or state figure).
    • taglines.uses words and expressions with positive connotations to describe the product or service.
    Glittering Generalities
  • actually doesn’t explain the product or service logically.
    Glittering Generalities
  • uses names that give negative connotations to describe its competitors.
    • only mention good things.
    • claims of only good things about the product or service as though it is flawless.
    Card Stacking
    • positive feelings or desires are connected to a product and user.

    Snob Appeal
    • transfers positive feelings we have of something we know to something we don’t.

    Snob Appeal
  • shows an association of the product or service to superiority in social status or intellect.
    Snob Appeal
  • examples of Snob Appeal
    • Sex Appeal (will make you attractive)
    • Love/Popularity (people will like you)
    • Fame (will get you attention)
    • Wealth (will make you rich)Power (will give you power)
  • repeats messages or sounds within the ad or repeats the ad many times.
    Repetition/Catchy Slogan
  • distracts audience and gives a reason to laugh often through the use of clever visuals and/or language.
    Wit and Humor
  •  bonus awarded to consumer for purchase.