It is seen as the ideal if both parents are Jewish to preserve the faith.
Orthodox Jews believe the line of religious descent passes through the mother
Growing the faith:
'Be fruitful and multiply' is shown by Jews that a main role of the family is to procreate.
Raising faith in the family:
Parents have a responsibility to share the faith with children and encourage them to attend synagogue and take part in rituals.
In the torah, it says 'these commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children'
Marriage in Judaism
In the Talmud, it teaches marriage is a commitment of love and a companionship, and a bond to create a Jewish home for the glory of the God.
For many Jews, the principle purpose of marriage is to have children - 'be fruitful and multiply'.
Divorce in Judaism
Jews teach marriage is a scared commitment, however it does accept divorce.
Many Jews will view divorce as a last resort that even causes God to feel the pain of the couple.
A certificate of a divorce is called a get and it must be witnessed by two Jews.
In Orthodox Judaism, a get is given from the man to the woman but it does have to be mutually agreed.
Same sex marriage in Judaism
Orthodox Jews see the quote 'man shall not lie with another man the same way he does a woman' as a reason against same sex relationships.
Many reform Jews accept same sex marriage as in Genesis, it says 'God created man in his own image'.
Sex before marriage in Judaism
Many Jews believe sexual relationships should only happen within a marriage in case of children.
Some Jews believe cohabitation and sexual relations before marriage can happen in a loving and faithful relationship.
One of the ten commandments is 'thou shall not commit adultery' it is seen as one of the fundamental principles of Judaism.
Marriage can be seen as a part of a relationship with God therefore adultery is betraying God.
Judaism teaches children are a gift from God and should be brought into a marriage union - 'Children are a heritage from the lord, offspring a reward from him'
Jewish law says men should not destroy or waste their sperm, so methods of contraception that damage sperm or stop it from reaching its intended destination is forbidden.
They accept some forms of contraception depending on the circumstances, e.g the health of the mother.
Roles of men and women in Judaism
Many Jews interpret the creation, which shows God creating male and female at the same time as evidence of equal status between man and woman.
However, in the Genesis it says 'your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you'. This is taken as proof men and women have different roles.