Bennett (2001): subculture means different things to different people
Cohen and Thornton: in a media saturated society, subcultures are created by the media rather than gender/race/ethnicity etc. the post modernists say its not really sex, gender etc. that's telling us about subcultures but from apps etc.
feminist views; they were angry because society was ignoring 75% of the world – women. It was mostly studies by men – very little studies about women talking abut their interests and subcultures.
McRobbie (2000): Marxists feminist; they believe that society is 'go men and go patriarchy!' - favouring men and patriarchy. she said that the subcultures of the 70s and 80s were very patriarchal, punk glorified a very male lifestyle (shaving your head, being mean and militant)
McRobbie (2000): girls were less involved in subcultures - this is because they were concerned about their safety, parents were more controlling of their daughters, and were assumed to be submissive. men were more in the public sphere - streets, clubs, pubs etc.
McRobbie and Garber (1976): bedroom culture; girl cultures contained features of bedroom culture - listening to music, makeup, fashion, talking about boys, magazines, celebrities, beauty and romance
Lincoln (2004): this kind of culture has started to be adopted by guys - they felt like they could open up and be themselves etc.
Hollands (1995): girls are taking on roles which are similar to guys (drugs, smoking, drinking, spending money)
Post-modernists; subcultures used to form on metanarratives but nowadays they are not. The big ideas such as class, gender and race have lost their influence on the formation of subcultures. Post modernists say its more important to be a part of the ‘gym culture’ instead of your race
culture fragmentation; makes it irrelevant to speak about dominant cultures. Cultures are now all about tastes and consumer culture – we buy our identity. Now its about bricolage. Young people nowadays tend to deal with transitional insecurities individually. e.g. in some societies and cultures; getting your period means you started a new chapter (phase 2) – a woman. Subcultures aren’t like main ones – one year you could be a part of one specific one then the next year you can change. Youth have an endless choice of lifestyles, identities and they can be whatever they want to be.
Bennett (1999): neo tribalism (neo = new). young people shift from one group to another without trouble. these groups have very loose boundaries and memberships
Thornton (1995): talks about how the media (television, newspapers) create subcultures
nowadays, a lot of our identities have become consumables - could be purchased