Sociology is the study of the human social life, groups and society.
It studies repeated patterns of social behaviour, manners and events.
sociology and common sense are not the same and common sense is not allowed to be used in sociology.
C. Wright Mills is the person who created the sociological imagination.
we must forget our personal beliefs when talking about sociology.
sociology looks at privilege, stereotypes and also changes.
the Enlightenment is a period of time where we move from believing in superstition and religion to science
french revolution brought about a lot of changes such as politics, voting and freedom
the industrial revolution was a period of time where people moved to cities for work or a future there
the industrial revolution created the issue of dirt, disease, filth and overpopulation
the industrial revolution brought about the expansion of factories and social problems like crime and poverty
Auguste Comte coined the term sociology in 1838
positivism is the scientific approach to the study of society
Auguste Comte called it social physics before sociology
Herbert Spencer studied both the human body and society. he believed there was a lot in common between them. this is called social Darwinism
Both Herbert Spencer and Auguste Comte believed in positivism.
Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim are the "founding fathers" of sociology. they established sociology as the science of society.
Emile Durkheim believed in the Functionalist Perspective.
The Functionalist Perspective/Theory is the theory of saying that society is how it is for a reason and is right in the way it functions.
Emile Durkheim said that society almost has a life of its own - without us it would still be a society
as long as we are alive, society will always influence us with thoughts, beliefs and actions
In order to understand people you must understand society
the hair in the dough; people believe that everything in the dough has a reason to be there as without those ingredients it would not be dough. In society, functionalists believe that everything has a function (education, crime and family)
the conflict theory is looking at society and noticing the hair in the dough
conflict theorists are the set of people that try to find the bad in the situation to the point where they only see the hair rather than the dough
symbolic interactionists say that our actions can speak for themselves - everyting has a meaning
example of symbolic interactions are when you snap fingers to get people's attention.
Anomie is a state of being in a society there is no moral consensus, there is no up or down or the expectations of us.
Anomie: a sense of separation and not knowing whats causing it
Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) was seeing a lot of people move and society change in a quick manner
the industrial revolution brought up capitalism. Marx brought up the idea of Social Classes
Max Weber (1864 - 1920) was influenced by Marx
Weber looked at how society operates and how we create society between us
Weber said modern society pushes towards rationalisation - logical mode of thinking
Weber said we shouldnt study people like we study plants or animals because we attach meaning to our behaviour
Harriet Martineau (1802 - 1876) introduced sociology to England and insisted on studying the domestic life.
Martineau is the first known woman psychologist
Martineau said we cant study society when everything is behind closed doors (women and children getting abused)