1.8 Genomic sequencing

Cards (12)

  • What is sequence data?
    The sequence of nucleotide bases for individual genes and entire genomes.
  • Describe what is involved in bioinformatics.
    Bioinformatics involves the comparison of sequence data using computer programmes and statistical analysis.
  • Give three examples of groups that have had their entire genomes sequenced.
    -Disease causing organisms e.g plasmodium, COVID-19.
    -pest species e.g cotton bollworm, two spot spider mite.Species that are important model organisms do research
  • Define the word 'pholygenetics'
    The study of evolutionary history and relationships.
  • Name two things used to determine the main sequence of events in evolution of life on earth.
    Sequence data
    Fossils evidence
  • Name the three domains of life.
  • List the main sequence of events in the evolution of life.
    Last universal ancestor
    Photosynthetic organisms
    Multicellular organisms
    Land Plants
  • What is assumed about mutation when creating a molecule clock?
    Constant mutation rate.
    Each difference is assumed to be a mutation.
  • What differences would scientists be looking for when creating molecular clocks?
    Differences in DNA sequences or amino acid sequences.
  • What does pharmacogenetics involve?
    The use of genome information in the choice of drugs.
  • Describe what personalised medicine can achieve.
    This can ensure that the type of drug and dosage is the most effective for treatment of the disease in the individual.
  • Describe what personalised medicine can achieve.
    This can ensure that the type of drug and dosage is the most effective for treatment of the disease in the individual.