Cards (12)

    1. What were the main alliances in the war?
    • central powers: germany, austro-hungary, ottoman empire
    • triple entendre: france, russia, britian, italy, and a group of smaller allies including portugual, belgium
  • How does imperialism affect who fought in the war?
    colonized countries were inevitably enlisted in the war bc of their imperalist parents
    1. What do some argue were some global motivations for the war?
    • control over provinces 
    • control/gain over territories 
    • control over seas
    • control over ppl
  • Where were most of the battles outside of Europe fought?
    it was due to colonial interests and alliances of the European powers involved in the conflict
  • What are the main consequences of WWI?
    The main consequences of WWI included:
    • the redrawing of national borders
    • the collapse of empires (such as the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian, and German empires)
    • significant loss of life
    • economic devastation
    • the emergence of new ideologies (like communism and fascism)
    • the Treaty of Versailles, which laid the groundwork for WWII
    • the League of Nations, an international organization established to promote peace and cooperation
  • Using evidence from WWI, explain how governments used a variety of methods to conduct war.
    Governments during WWI used a variety of methods to conduct war, including
    • propaganda to shape public opinion
    • censorship to control information
    • conscription to mobilize large armies
    • economic mobilization to support war efforts
    • technological innovation to gain advantages on the battlefield (such as tanks, chemical weapons, and airplanes)
    • total war strategies that involved targeting civilian populations and resources
  • What elements and experiences of the First World War made it a world war?
    • Involvement of nations from around the globe, either directly or indirectly through alliances and colonial territories
    • Spread of conflict beyond Europe to regions such as Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
    • Involvement of colonial troops and resources from various parts of the world
    • Economic interdependence of nations and the interconnectedness of global trade and communication networks
  • How did the First World War become global?
    1. Involvement of nations from around the globe, either directly or indirectly through alliances and colonial territories
    2. Spread of conflict beyond Europe to regions such as Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
    3. Involvement of colonial troops and resources from various parts of the world
    4. Economic interdependence of nations and the interconnectedness of global trade and communication networks
  • Global Reach
    WWI was a global conflict, with various states around the world joining the Entente powers, including Japan, the United States, and Brazil. Even neutral countries like China provided aid to the Entente
  • Motivations
    While tensions in Europe, especially in the Balkans and over territorial disputes, were significant causes of WWI, global ambitions also played a role. Britain and France aimed to gain Ottoman territories, Russia sought control of the Dardanelles, Japan sought German colonies in the Pacific, and Britain feared the growth of the German Navy threatening its imperial trade routes
  • Theaters of War
    Most combat took place in Europe, primarily along the Italian border with Austria-Hungary, the Eastern Front with Russia, and the Western Front in France and Belgium. However, fighting also occurred outside Europe, including naval engagements worldwide and land battles in Africa, the Pacific, Arabia, and other parts of the Ottoman Empire
  • End of the War

    The war ended with the surrender of the Central Powers in 1918 and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. This had major implications, such as the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the reshaping of the Ottoman Empire, setting the stage for future conflicts, including WWII and ongoing tensions in the Middle East