ASO method based on neutralization principle of patient antibody
Hemolytic test
ASO Method; Passive agglutination
slide agglutination screening test for detection of Abs to several streptococcal Ags, (+) result is
Streptozyme, Hemagglutination
Lyme Disease causative agent:
Borrelia burgdorferi
causative agent of Syphilis
Treponema pallidum subs. pallidum
causative agent of Toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasma gondii
early infection of lyme disease
erythema migrans
late infection of lyme disease
arthritis and neuroborreliosis
culture medium for diagnosis of Lyme disease
Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly Medium
two-tier approach for laboratory diagnosis of Lyme disease
ELISA, Western blot
What are the 3 bands that could be present in the Western Blot result for Lyme disease?
23 kDa, 39 kDa, 41 kDa
method of choice for detecting rickettsial infections
GOLD STANDARD for detecting rickettsial infections
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody
Not preferred; Non-specific and insensitive agglutination method
Weil Felix
may fail to detect rickettsial nucleic acids early in the course or after development of immunity
Weil Felix is based on cross-reactivity of the patient’s antibodies with polysaccharide antigens present on: _ _ & _ _ of Proteus vulgaris, _ _ of Proteus mirabilis
OX-19, OX-2, OX-K
Rickettsia rickettsii causes
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Rickettsia that cause Epidemic Typhus
R. prowazekii
Rickettsia that cause Endemic Typhus
R. typhi
Rickettsia that causes Q Fever
Coxiella burnetii
_ _ infections causes gastritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers
H. pylori
M. pneumonia infections causes
Respiratory infections
GOLD STANDARD Lab Diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis
IgG Sabin-Feldman Dye Test (neutralization test)
Lab diagnosis that demonstrates tachyzoites in tissue sections
IFA, Histological exam
Lab diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis; first-line test in endemic areas
IgM assay
Tertiary stage of Syphilis is where there is a development of _
Primary stage of Syphilis is where there is presence of
Hard Chancre
Stage of Syphilis where patients may develop Condyloma Lata (flat lesions resembling warts) in moist areas of the body
Characterized by lack of clinical symptoms; Non-infectious state in which diagnosis can be made only by serologic methods.
Lab Test for diagnosis of Primary Syphilis
Darkfield examination
Screening Test for Secondary & Latent stage of Syphilis
Confirmatory tests for Secondary & Latent stage of Syphilis
Lab tests for Tertiary Stage of Syphilis using serum
Lab tests for Tertiary Stage of Syphilis using CSF
used to screen for syphilis because of their high sensitivity and ease of performance
NON-TREPONEMAL TESTS detects the presence of " _ " Abs