what is a strength of statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality?
in clinical diagnosis, frequency of the behaviour in the population is taken into account, therefore is a useful thing to know. However, a diagnosis will always require other features rather than just unusualness.
what are strengths of deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality?
- includes ideas about desirability of behaviour
- in the DSM5 antisocial personality disorder has a diagnosis criteria of 'absence of prosocial internal standards associated with failure to conform to lawful or culturally ethical behaviour'
- so it can be useful for some behaviours, but won't be used without other criteria.
what does failure to function adequately take into account?
takes into account the way the person feels themselves and also the reactions of those around them. It can also be used in combination with another definition.
what are limitations of deviation from ideal mental health as a definition for abnormality?
- culture bound : this set of ideal behaviours is very much true of individualistic cultures.
- collectivist cultures would not see self actualisation or independence from others as criteria for ideal mental health.
- the criteria is rather unrealistic. It is unlikely most people will fit them all, all of the time. ( we would therefore all be 'abnormal' so this is not helpful.)