Lymph vessels are more permeable than blood vessels, meaning that proteins and disease-causing microorganisms in the intercellular fluid can easily pass through the walls into the lymph
On inside of compact bone, more porous than compact bone + has large spaces filled with marrow; RBM, where RBC production takes place (flat and long bones)
A CONNECTIVE TISSUE, cells are separated by large amounts of matrix; non-cellular material, inorganic salts are deposited in the matrix of bones; increasing strength and rigidity
A bone cell which occupies each Lacunae; projections enter the canaliculi and make contact with other bone cells so materials can be passed from cell → cell
Irregular, thin, bony plates; arranges spongy bone (not into osteon), lamellae not arranged in concentric layers → they are irregular, osteocytes still found in Lacunae, nerves and blood vessels pass through irregular spaces in the matrix
Made up of collagen (protein fibres) which are embedded in a protein-carbohydrate matrix, called Chondrin, provides structural support, whilst maintaining flexibility
Does not contain blood vessels, so all nutrition and waste removal occurs by diffusion through the matrix, slow → chondrocytes have slow metabolism and cell division, takes longer to heal, blood supply comes from blood vessels located in the inner layer of perichondrium: a fibrous membrane covering the external surface of cartilage, except where cartilage forms articular surface of a joint
Immature cartilage cells that are contained in the spaces in the matrix, they produce matrix and are gradually surrounded by it, until they are trapped → maturation = chondrocytes
Hyaline: many closely packed collagenous fibres; very fine, strong + flexible, found in rings of trachea + bronchi and articular cartilage (at ends of bones)
Elastic: elastic + collagenous fibres; not so closely packed, elasticity provides flexibility, found in external ear
Fibrocartilage: coarse appearance, parallel bundles of thick collagenous fibres, not compacted; slightly compressible – ideal for areas where body is not supported, found in intervertebral discs, meniscus of knee joint, and tissue joining two sides of pelvis