1. H+ moves out of the parietal cells into the inside of the stomach and K+ move into the cell by active transport
2. K+ will eventually move out of the cell through an ion channel
3. H+ will react with Cl- inside the stomach to form HCl
4. H2O and CO2 molecules inside the cell will react due to carbonic anhydrase to form H2CO3
5. H2CO3 will dissociate into H+ and HCO3-
6. H+ produced undergo active transport using the proton pump
7. HCO3- will go into the bloodstream causing an alkaline tide
8. As HCO3- moves out of the cell, Cl- will enter in exchange
9. Cl- will leave the cell using an ion channel and move into the inside of the stomach
10. Cl- will react with H+ to form HCl