Multi-store model

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Cards (29)

  • Multi-store model of memory
    A) Stimulus
    B) environment
    C) Sensory register
    D) Iconic
    E) Echoic
    F) Other sensory stores
    G) Short term memory store
    H) Long term memory store
    I) Response
    J) Retrieval
    K) Prolonged rehearsal
    L) Maintenance rehearsal
  • Who proposed the multi-store model of memory?
    Atkinson and Shiffrin
  • How many stores is the multi-store model made up of?
  • What are the three stores of the multi-store model of memory?
    Sensory register, short term memory, long term memory
  • How are the three stores to the multi-store model linked?
    By processing
  • Where do stimuli from the environment pass into?
    The sensory register
  • Coding in each sensory store is modality-specific
  • What does the sensory register comprise of?
    Several registers
  • Iconic store: Vision
  • Echoic store: Hearing
  • What is the duration of the sensory register?
    0.5 seconds
  • What is the capacity of the sensory register?
    Very High
  • How does information pass further into the memory system from the sensory register?
  • How is information coded in the short term memory?
  • What is the duration in the short term memory?
    18-30 seconds
  • What is the capacity of the short term memory?
    7 +/- 2
  • What is maintenance rehearsal?
    When we repeat material to ourselves over and over
  • How do we keep information in our short term memory?
  • What happens if we rehearse information in the short term memory long enough?
    It passes into long term memory
  • What is the duration of long term memory?
  • What is the capacity of long term memory?
  • How is information coded in the long term memory?
  • How do we recall information from the long term memory back into the short term memory?
  • Which case study is used to support the multi-store model of memory?
  • What part of HM's memory was worst affected?
    Long-term memory