Multi-store model: AO3

    Cards (4)

    • Strength: Research support
      What? Support showing STM and LTM are different
      Who? Baddeley - mix up similar sounding words w/ STM & mix up similar meaning words w/ LTM (Other support: Jacobs, Miller, Petersons, Bahrick)
      Why? Shows STM and LTM are separate
    • Counterpoint: Research support
      What? Studies use meaningless items
      Who? Jacobs (Digits & letters), Petersons (Consonant syllables)
      Why? May be invalid model
    • Limitation: More than one STM store
      What? Evidence of more than one STM store
      Who? Shallice and Warrington - KF (Amnesia patient) - showed there could be a short-term store for non-verbal sounds
      Why? MSM wrong in claiming there's just one STM store
    • Limitation: Elaborative rehearsal
      What? Prolonged rehearsal not needed for transfer to LTM
      Who? Craik and Watkins - Type of rehearsal more important than amount; elaborative rehearsal
      Why? Doesn't fully explain how long-term storage is achieved