
Cards (42)

  • The root system is the part of the plant that absorbs water, minerals, and nutrients from the soil.
  • Root hairs are small projections on the surface of roots that increase their surface area to absorb more water and nutrients.
  • Mycorrhizae are fungi that form symbiotic relationships with plants' roots, increasing their ability to absorb nutrients like phosphorus.
  • land plant colinisation 400 million years ago, first land plants appeared, they were small and fragile, they were not able to support themselves on land
  • soil represents a complex environment for plants to forage for nutrient and water
  • Roots are important for water , nutrient , storage and anchorage.
  • Modern terrestrial environment is due to root evolution changing the terrestrial environment
  • Rhuie Chert (410MYA)provides a snapshot of early plants. plants are 10-12cm
  • Rhynie chert reveal mycorrhizal fungi interactions with plants
  • Arbuscle colonisation within plant cell by mycorrhiza's
  • Mycorrhizae increase surface area of roots, allowing them to absorb more nutrients from soil
  • Endomycorrhizae penetrate inside the cells of the root cortex
  • Ectomycorrhizae form around the outside of the root system
  • Roots evolved after land colonisation
  • Plants are very efficient at light harvesting
  • Designs for solar trees that replicate nature
  • Branching directed toward the light
  • Height and branching dependent on light
  • Mouse
    • Body plan is fixed and determined by its genes
  • Arabidopsis
    • Body plan variable, frequency of organs can vary
  • How did the necessary innovations arise?
  • Over time there has been a trend to more complex multicellular forms
  • Charophytes
    • Can form simple filaments
    • Specialist cells
    • Simple bodyplans
    • Meiosis immediately follows zygote formation
    • All cells are haploid except the newly divided zygote
    • Mainly reproduce vegetatively
    • Sexual reproduction does occur
    • And rhizoids!
  • 3D growth in the moss Physcomitrium patens enabled diversification of land plants 470 MYA
  • 3D Growth
    1. Governed by cell division of the apical cell
    2. Apical Cell with one cutting face - allows 1D growth
    3. Apical Cell with two cutting faces - allows 2D
    4. Tetrahedral Apical Cell with three cutting faces - allows 3D
  • Acquisition of 3D growth is present in gametophores of moss
  • A tetrahedral apical cell can give rise to shoots with lateral organs
  • Phyllotaxis
    • Organs arranged around a single axis
    • Often follow mathematical patterns
  • Shoot growth occurs from two apical initials in Selaginella
  • Meristems
    • Plant stem cells are found in structures termed meristems
    • Meristems are first laid down in the embryo via asymmetric cell divisions
  • The plant body plan is elaborated by post-embryonic organogenesis
  • Shoot apical meristem
    • Typically small (50 um in Arabidopsis, up to 3mm in cycads)
    • Central Zone contains the stem cells
    • Periphery Zone cells frequently divide to and produce primordia (e.g. leaves)
    • Rib Zone dividing cells that make the stem
  • SAM size is controlled by
    Balancing cells lost to differentiation in PZ with the production of more cells
  • Positive regulators are produced proximal to the initials in the central zone

    Negative regulators are produced in the initials and suppress the positive regulators
  • Larger meristems
    More initial cells - therefore more negative regulators - this limits the size of the meristem
  • Smaller meristems
    Less negative regulators - meristem size increases
    Positive regulator that maintains identity of the apical initials
    Negative regulator
  • Axillary meristems
    • Form where the upper leaf structure meets the stem
    • May lay dormant
    • Can grow out to become a new stem
  • Activation of Axillary Branches is regulated by a host of environmental factors