
Cards (8)

  • social solidarity - sense of togetherness
    school is a society in miniature
    eg school rules, heirarchy , mixing with pupils
    ao3.) rose tinted eg bullying and discrimination, deterministic, ethnocentric , pass on capitalist/patriarchal ideology
  • specialist skills - division of labour
    modern industrial societies require skills for job roles
    eg transferable skills - read and write
    technical skills - doctor and lawyer
    required to help keep society stable
    ao3.) NR - wolf review argues student weren't prepared for the future eg high unemployment
  • parsons- secondary socialisation
    shared norms and values - meritocratic principles
    eg all students need 80% for A grade
    ao3.) Marxists would argue mc have an advantage to succeed eg private tutors
  • parsons- schools acts as a bridge between home and the workplace
    particularistic standards to universalistic standards
    eg we all have to follow rules
    ascribed and achieved status
    ao3.) feminists argues there are double standards on sexual morality
  • parsons- education is meritocratic
    free education , success is measured through exams
    education treats everyone fairly, schools reward ability
    ao3.) private schools get better education , labelling - ideal pupil
  • davis and moore - role allocation
    education sifts and sorts pupils according to ability
    best graded students will get the better jobs
    eg setting and streaming - top sets , class hierarchy
    ao3.) wc are sifted into bottom sets as they are not seen as the ideal pupil
  • functionalism is a structural consensus theory that proposes education contributes to the social stability of society. Functionalism believes society is based on an agreement of norms and values and individuals conform to the structure due to the work of institutions such as education
  • however, functionalism is not a complete theory of education because it does not account for ideology that oppresses the working classes and females in education. also it fails to account free will in education and some pupils may resist this by home schooling or truanting.