cell membrane

Cards (16)

  • Cell membrane - a layer in the cell envelope appearing just beneath the cell wall
  • The most widely accepted model for membrane structure is the fluid mosaic model of Singer and Nicholson, which proposes that membranes are lipid bilayers within which proteins float
  • The fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane is how scientists describe what the cell membrane
    looks and functions like, because it is made up of a bunch of different molecules that are distributed across the membrane.
  • there’s a pattern of different types of molecules put together, also known as a mosaic.
  • These molecules are constantly moving in two dimensions, in a fluid fashion, similar to icebergs
    floating in the ocean. The movement of the mosaic of molecules makes it impossible to form a completely impenetrable barrier.
  • Cell membrane holds the different components of the cell together and to protect it from the environment outside the cell
  • The most important function of the cell membrane, is to act as a barrier between the inside and outside of the cell, regulating transport—the passage of nutrients into the cell and the discharge of wastes
  • Although water and small uncharged molecules can diffuse across the membrane unaided, the membrane is a selectively permeable structure with special carrier mechanisms for passage of most molecules
  • The membranes of bacteria are an important site for a number of metabolic activities. For example, most enzymes that handle the energy reactions of respiration reside in the cell membrane
  • Enzyme structures located in the cell membrane also help
    synthesize structural ​macromolecules to be incorporated into the cell envelope and appendages.
  • Other products (enzymes and toxins) are ​secreted by the membrane into the extracellular
  • Small, nonpolar molecules (e.g. oxygen and carbon dioxide):
    These molecules can pass through the lipid bilayer and do so by
    squeezing through the phospholipid bilayers. They don't need
    proteins for transport and can diffuse across quickly
  • Small, polar molecules (e.g. water): These molecules can also
    pass through the lipid bilayer without the help of proteins, but
    they do so with a little more difficulty than the molecule type
  • Large, nonpolar molecules (e.g. carbon rings): These rings can
    pass through but it is also a slow process.
  • Large, polar molecules (e.g. simple sugar - glucose): The size and charge of large polar molecules make it too difficult to pass through the nonpolar region of the phospholipid membrane without help from transport proteins.
  • Ions (e.g. Na+): Similarly, the charge of an ion makes it too difficult to pass through the nonpolar region of the phospholipid membranewithout help from transport proteins