Weimar Germany

Cards (101)

  • Defeat in 1918 led to the Kaiser's abdication, a republic and a new constitution
  • The new Germany faced huge problems, not least those caused by its punishment in the Treaty of Versailles
  • The German Revolution

    1. Kiel Mutiny
    2. Rebellions all over Germany
    3. Collapse of the German government
    4. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdication
  • Friedrich Ebert
    Leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), became Chancellor (the equivalent of Prime Minister in Britain)
  • World War One ended when an armistice was agreed with the Allies and Germany surrendered
    11 November 1918
  • The armistice was signed by representatives of the new, civilian government, including Ebert and members of the SPD</b>
  • The opponents of the new government
    Started to call them the 'November Criminals' - people who had signed the armistice behind the Germany army's back
  • Dolchstoßlegende
    The 'stab-in-the-back' theory
  • Elections had given the SPD party the most power
    January 1919
  • Friedrich Ebert
    Became the first democratically chosen President
  • When was the armistice signed?
    November 11, 1918
  • How many German troops died in WW1?
    2 million
  • How many germans died because of food shortages?
  • When did the Kaiser abdicate?
    9th November 1918
  • Who is Friedrich Ebert?

    Leader of the Social Democratic movement in Germany
  • What was the armistice?
    The peace agreement between Germany and the allies
  • Strengths of the Weimar Constitution
    -'Proportional Representation'

    -Women could vote

    -Voting age reduced from 25 to 21

    - President election every 7 years
  • Weaknesses of Weimar Constitution
    -Proportional Representation led to unstable parties and weak policies-often fell apart

    -Article 48, president could pass laws without the consent of the Reichstag

    -Not choice of people - not popular
  • How much was to be paid to the allies in the TOV?
    £6600 million
  • What was the military forces limited to because of TOV?
    -100,000 soldiers

    -Navy, 6 battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers and 12 torpedo boats

    -No submarines

    - No military on the Rhineland (Land bordering France)
  • What land did Germany lose?
    13% of European territory

    11 of its colonies
  • What is article 241?
    War guilt clause
  • What are the Spartacists?
    -Left wing

    -Had soviet banking

    -Based in Berlin

    -Led by Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht

    -Came from Independent Socialist party
  • What are the Friekorps?
    -Right wing

    -Made up of ex-soldiers who still had weapons

    -Had 250000 men in March 1919

    -Organised by regular army
  • What was the Spartacists Revolt?
    -January 1919

    -Took over newspapers and tried to organise a strike in Berlin

    -Spartacist leaders were shot

    -Weimar governments sent Freikorps units to put down revolt
  • What was the Kapp Putsch?
    -March 1920

    -Freikorps troops, fearing unemployment marched on Berlin

    -Head of army refused to resist Friekorps

    -Caused so much chaos with strike, Kapp would not rule Germany and was forced to flee
  • What were some political attacks on the Weimar Republic?
    -Political assassinations

    -Right winged parties in the Reichstag

    -Left winged parties in the Reichstag

    -Spartacists Revolt

    -Kapp Putsch
  • Negative effects of hyperinflation
    • People couldn't afford essentials

    Wages rose up

    Business went bankrupt

    • Savings became worthless

    Weimar government became unpopular
  • Positive effects of hyperinflation
    Farmers benefitted

    • Able to pay off loans and mortgages

    Rooms/shops became cheap

    Foreigners got more for their money
  • What happened in January 1923?
    French troops invaded the Ruhr, to take reparations in goods and raw material. German workers went on strike.
  • What years did Germany make a recovery?
  • Who made the new currency and what was it called?
    The new chancellor - Stresemann
  • What was the Dawes Plan?
    In 1924, Charles Dawes an American banker made a plan so Germany could pay reparations.

    Instalments were temporarily reduced to £50m a year

    US banks gave them loans
  • When was the Young Plan?

    August 1929
  • What did the Young Plan do?
    -Reduced reparations to £2 billion

    -Payments could be made until 1988

    -Lower reparations=lower taxes

    -Opposition=burden for future generations
  • What was the Locarno Pact?

    - It was also known as the Rhineland Pact

    -It was a treaty between Germany, GB, France, Italy and Belgium

    -They agree to the borders

    -The allied troops leave the Rhineland and promise peace

    -They discuss Germany joining the league of nations
  • What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

    an international agreement, signed by 62 in 1928, to stop using war as a method of national policy
  • What was the League of Nations?
    an international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations
  • Changes in wages and work after 1924
    -Working hours reduced

    -Wages rose

    -Hyperinflation made employment insecure

    -Working conditions improved
  • 1924-29
    "golden years" - changes in art, cinema and architecture