20 markers

Cards (11)

  • ethnicity inequality, general
    -work and employment: Castles & Kosack marxist, EMG reserve army of labour
    -social mobility: Baron and Norris weberianists, EMG dual labour market
    -social mobility: concrete ceiling, which is barrier to career advancement for ethnic minority women
    -crime: Hall, studio about mugging and black youth are seen as criminal due to moral panic by media
  • ethnicity: work & employment
    -Work & employment: Castles & Kosack
    -Social mobility: Weberianists Barron & Norris
    -Social mobility: concrete ceiling
    -Social mobility: Rex & Tomlinson, EMG face inequality due to multiple deprivation, which means decreased income, unemployment and poor education
  • social class general

    -Work & employment: Castles & Kosack, WC are R of L: fruit picking
    -Social mobility: Weberianists Barron & Norris, WC are 2nd market
    -Crime and deviance: concept is ‘typical offender’ is wc young black male
    -Education: Cohen, status, frustration in working class, youth boys
  • social class: work and employment
    -Work and employment: castles & kosack
    -social mobility: weberianists Baron and Norris
    -Work & employment: Moxy argue capitalism causes inequality for working class as they are exploited in workplace
    -education: concept is cultural capital which is low for working class as they failed their exams due to decreased knowledge which leads to decreased pay and can afford tutors to teach them so give up and leads to low paid jobs
  • gender inequality, general female
    -Work and employment: castles & kosack, women are R of L- WW1 jobs
    -Social mobility: weberianists Barron and Norris, women in second labour market
    -Work and employment: concept is glass ceiling, which is barrier to career advancement for women
    -social mobility: Li & devine, women, less likely to be upwardly, mobile, and more likely to be downwardly mobile, which means they are less likely to increase the status and gain bonuses
  • gender: work, and employment, female
    -work, and employment: Castles & kosack
    -Social mobility: weberianists Barron and Norris
    -Work & employment: glass ceiling concept
    -Social mobility: Li & devine
  • age inequality, general, old people
    -work and employment: Castles & kosack, old, 65+ are reserve army of labour
    -Social mobility: weberianists barron and Norris, old or secondary market
    -Poverty: concept is fuel poverty, which age UK say, old spend, 1/10 of their income on fuel bill, which means they have to choose between heating and food
    -Work and employment: Townsend, capitalism, renew workforce and replaces old with new old status decreases and they lose their job
  • age, inequality, work and employment, old people
    -Work and employment: Castles & kosack, reserve army of labour is concept
    -Social mobility: Weberianists , barron & norris
    -Work, and employment: Townsend
    -Social mobility: Weber, old lack life chances as they age, so can’t move, upwardly social strata
  • age inequality, general young people
    -Work & employment: Castles & kosack, young under 14 used as cheap labour and are R of L
    -social mobility: Weberianist, Barron and Norris, young or in secondary labour market
    -crime: concept is typical offender which is young black working class male, which leads to them feeling excluded and increases crime
    -crime: Cohen status, frustration of working class, boys, young OR Becker- labelling theory and youth labelled as deviant
  • age, inequality, work and employment, young people
    -Work and employment: Castles & kosack
    -Social mobility: Weberianists, Baron and Norris
    -crime: concept is typical offender and due to being labelled negatively, they are less likely to get hired by employers
    -Crime: Cohen status, frustration of working class youth, due to decreased status, they increased deviancy, and means less likely to gain jobs
  • male disadvantage: general inequality
    -crime: concept is typical offender, which is young male seen as deviant
    -work &. employment: concept is glass cellar which is men dominating low paid manual jobs
    -Social mobility: interactionist say, men are labelled in sectors due to self fulfilling prophecy
    -Social mobility: lea& young, males in gangs, faced, marginalisation, and deprivation, don’t have same opportunities and are stuck at bottom
    -Income, and wealth: Parsons says men are expected to be breadwinner which increases stress