plasma: the pale yellow fluid portion of blood where the cells are suspended
white blood cell: a colourless blood cell that acts to defend the body against diseases and other foreign invaders
platelet: a particle found in the bloodstream that begins the blood-clotting process at the site of a wound
erythrocyte: a term for a red blood cell that contains hemoglobin and transports oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells
biconcave: the distinctive shape of red blood cells where the cells are flat but dip inwards at the centre on both the top and bottom
hemoglobin: an iron-containing pigment that binds oxygen to facilitate its movement in the circulatory system
oxyhemoglobin: a hemoglobin bound with oxygen that appears bright red in colour
leukocytes: a term for white blood cells
protein: a large organic molecular consisting of a chain of amino acids; an essential building block of all cells that plays a key role in the functioning of the body systems
fibrinogen: a soluble protein present in blood plasma that converts to fibrin when blood clots
blood clot: a jellylike, solid mass consisting mainly of red blood cells trapped in a net of fibrin fibres
fibrin: a thread-like insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen. the treads from fibrin mesh to form the fabric of a blood clot
hemophilia: a blood disorder involving the blood's reduced ability to clot, which can lead to excessive bleeding