Religion unit three

Subdecks (4)

Cards (38)

  • Seven Deadly Sins
    Wrongdoings which harm our spiritual progress
  • The commandments of God state the minimum requirements for salvation
  • The commandments should be kept not merely according to the letter, but also according to the spirit, which obliges us to strive for greater perfection
  • Pride
    An overly high opinion of oneself; exaggerated self-esteem; conceit, arrogance, vanity, self-satisfaction
  • Pride thoughts

    • Have I been so proud that I've been described as a showoff?
    • Have I acted prideful, consciously or unconsciously out of fear?
    • Do I like to feel and act superior to others?
  • Greed
    Excessive desire for acquiring or having; desire for more than one needs or deserves
  • Greed thots

    • Have I been so greedy that I've been or could be labeled a thief?
    • Do I long for the possessions of others out of fear of not getting enough?
    • Do I let greed masquerade as ambition?
  • Lust
    To feel an intense desire, especially sexual desire; to long: after or for
  • Lust
    • Have I desired someone solely based on physical appearance?
    • Do I see others as objects?
    • Have I lusted after someone in my mind?
  • Anger
    A strong feeling caused by a real or supposed injury; often accompanied by a desire to take revenge, or to obtain satisfaction from the offending party; resentment; wrath
  • Anger
    • Have I been angry enough to physically harm someone?
    • Do I get angry out of fear when my demands are not met, or are threatened?
    • Have I enjoyed self-righteous anger in the fact that many people annoy me and that makes me superior to them?
    • Have I enjoyed gossiping as a polite form of murder by character assassination?
  • Gluttony
    One who eats too much; one with a great capacity for something; as, a glutton for work
  • Gluttony
    • Have I been gluttonous enough to ruin my health?
    • Do I grab for everything I can, fearing I'll never have enough?
    • Do I bury myself in my work, hobbies or activities?
  • Envy
    To resent another for excellence or superiority in any way, and to be eager to acquire it
  • Envy
    • Do I wish ill on others who have more than me?
    • Does seeing the ambitions of others materialize make me fear that mine haven't?
    • Do I suffer from never being satisfied with what I have?
    • Have I spent more time wishing for what others have than working towards them?
  • Sloth
    Reluctance to action or labor; sluggishness; habitual laziness, idleness; slowness; delay
  • Sloth
    • Do I get alarmed with fear at the prospect of work?
    • Do I procrastinate and delay completing work?
    • Do I work grudgingly and under half steam?
    1. Sufficient knowledge or reflection- the person knows fully well what they are doing, no one else forced them.
    2. Full consent of the will- they made the decision themselves, they made the decision and planned it, and they understand the extent of the act.
    3. Serious (GRAVE) matter—causes real evil to oneself or another person. It is a ‘grave’ matter, the act is evil and immoral.