
Cards (24)

  • 1559
    cateau cambresis
    Henry ii died jousting and Francis ii became king
  • duke of guise
    married his niece Mary queen of Scots to Francis ii
    Philip gave him money to secure catholicism in the crown
  • duke of bourbon
    direct bloodline to the throne
    sons becoming huguenots
  • Catherine de Medici
    mother to Francis ii and Philips mother in law through the marriage to Elizabeth Valois
  • 1558-9
    Henry made legislation to expel huguenots but died before publication
  • 1560 Francis died and 

    Charles ix became king with Catherine de medici as regent
  • st. germain edict
    1562-96 made by Catherine de medici to allow huguenots to worship outside of towns
  • how many of the French nobility were huguenots
  • vassy massacre
    1562 the duke of guise killed a group of huguenots creating civil war
  • huguenots attacked catholics back at the
    vassy massacre 1562
  • French wars of religion
  • assassinations
    1563 duke of guise assassinated
    1570 prince of Conde from the house of bourbon assassinated
  • 1570
    Peace of St. Germain en Laye - recognised both Huguenot and catholic freedom
  • admiral coligny

    favoured over Catherine by Charles ix and held more power than her threatening catholicism
  • 1572 marriage between
    the duke of bourbon and Margaret Valois securing peace between huguenots and catholics
  • St. Bartholemews day massacre
    1572 catholics attacked huguenots at the wedding
    coligny and Huguenot followers removed from power
    Henry duke of bourbon converted to Calvinism
  • 1574
    Charles died and Henry iii became king
  • Philip offered the duke of guise...
    spanish subsidies in return for catholic support in the Netherlands and additional monthly subsidies to keep Henry duke of bourbon off the throne
  • 1588
    king Henry iii imprisoned by Philip but broke out and assassinated the duke of guise
  • Henry acknowledged
    Henry duke of bourbon as heir to the throne
  • Henry was stabbed
    1589 leaving Henry duke of bourbon heir
  • in 1592, Philip tried to

    invade france with the Flanders army
  • 1593
    Henry iv (previous duke of bourbon) converted back to Roman Catholicism
  • treaty of vervins
    1598 securing peace with france and spain