Where I am is not a prison but a privilege, as aunt lydia said, who was in love with either/or
The white wings too are prescribed issue; they are to keep us from seeing but also from being seen
Not my room, I refuse to say my
She wanted me to feel that I could not come into the house unless she said so. There is push and shove, these days over such toeholds.
some of you will fall on dry ground or thorns. Some of you are shallow rooted
A shape, red with white wings around the face, a shape like mine, a nondescript woman in red carrying a basket.
If they think of a kiss they must immediately think of the floodlights going on, the rifle shots
upright men, darkly clothed and unsmiling. Our ancestors. Admission is free
The bodies hanging on the Wall are time travellers, anachronisms
It intersects me so that the doctor will never see my face. he deals with torso only
My body seems outdated
Blessed are the meek. She didn’t go on to say anything about inheriting the earth
fluttering like the wings of dead birds
Each month I watch for blood, fearfully, for when it comes it means failure. I have failed once again to fulfill the expectations of others which have become my own.
He [the tv presenter] tells us what we long to believe
Farm, in theory
From each, says the slogan, according to her ability; to each according to his needs
maybe it’s about who can do what to whom and be forgiven for it
Men at the top always have mistresses, why should it be different now?
A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays in the maze
I started doing more housework, more baking. I tried not to cry at mealtimes
This rope segregates us, marks us off, keeps the others from contamination by us, makes for us a corral or pen
Christ, said Moira, beside me. Don’t swear, said Alma
It’s a mistake to hang back to obviously in a group like this; it stamps you as lukewarm, lacking in zeal.
He has become an it
allow me to say that in my opinion we must be cautious about passing moral judgement upon the Gileadeans
our job is not to censure but to understand
the best and most cost-effective way to control women for reproductive and other purposes was through women themselves