
Cards (11)

  • 1559
    launched an attack to capture Tripoli and lost
    18,000 spanish troops dead
  • Naples blocked by
    turks in 1560
  • expedition to oran
    1564 defeating Barbary pirates
  • Turks besieged Malta
    1565 until Toledo could mount a rescue
  • Cyprus captured
  • 1571
    holy league formed with spain, the papacy, Venice and Genoa
    Don Jon commanded the fleet at Le Panto
    the holy league won, sinking 130 ships, 110 galleys and 3,500 men
    the ottoman admiral was killed
  • Venetian peace with the turks
    renounced claim to Cyprus in return for trade
  • Tunis
    taken by spain in 1573 and retaken by the turks in 1574
  • 1581
    peace with spain and the turks
  • ' he saw it to be
    his christian duty' Woodward
  • the popes thoughts on peace between spain and the turks
    "the pope was mortified" woodward