Cards (15)

  • enzymes - protein substances that can initiate or speed up chemical reactions
  • substrates - substances that are acted upon by enzymes
  • what are the 3 groups of digestive enzymes?
    • carbohydrases
    • proteinases
    • lipases
  • stomach - bolus. which contains the disaccharides that will be changed into chyme by churning action of the stomach
  • pancreatic duct - connected to the small intestine. secretes pancreatic juice containing enzyme analopsin
  • intestinal glands - releases the final enzymes for carbohydrates digestion
  • carbohydrates + ptyalin = disaccharides
  • what are the 3 carbohydrases?
    • maltase
    • lactase
    • sucrase
  • protein + pepsin = small polypeptides
  • irritable bowel syndrome - colon muscle contracts more often than normal
  • acid reflux - containing fluids that move upward through esophagus
  • diarrhea - frequent loose bowel movements
  • peptic ulcer - sores or lesions form in the lining of the stomach or the duodenum due to bacterial infection
  • stomach flu - infection of the stomach and upper part of the duodenum
  • constipation - difficult or hard passage of stool