
Cards (12)

  • Agentic state
    A mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our Behavior because we believe ourselves to be acting for an authority figure I.E as their agent
  • Autonomous state
    Behaving according to one's own principles and feeling responsible for one's actions
  • Agentic shift
    The shift from autonomy to being an agent
  • Agentic shift occurs when we perceive someone else as an authority figure
  • Binding factors in the agentic state

    • aspects that allow individuals to minmise the damaging consequences to reduce moral strain on then
    • eg. denial of consequences on victim
  • Agentic state
    Frees us from the demands of our conscious and allows us to obey even a destructive authority figure
  • Legitimacy of authority
    An explanation for obedience which suggests that we are more likely to obey people who we perceive to have authority over us
  • Authority is Justified or legitimate by the individual's position of power within a social hierarchy
  • Destructive use of legitimate authority
    • Hitler
    • Stalin
    • Pol Pot
  • Soldiers at My Lai
    Obeyed their commanding officer due to his power to punish them
  • Some people disobey legitimate Authority, e.g. nurses disobeying a doctor's order to give an excessive drug dose
  • Respect for legitimate Authority can lead to destructive obedience, as seen in the my lai massacre