Science ( class-7 )

Cards (13)

  • Digestion
    1. Chewing
    2. Swallowing
    3. Food travels through esophagus
    4. Food enters stomach
    5. Stomach releases acids and enzymes
    6. Food enters small intestine
    7. Small intestine absorbs nutrients
    8. Unabsorbed food enters large intestine
    9. Large intestine absorbs water and sends waste out of body
  • Digestion
    Process of breaking down large insoluble food particles into smaller water soluble molecules that can be absorbed by blood and provide energy
  • Chewing
    • Breaks down food particles into little pieces that are easier to swallow
    • Saliva mixes with food and helps break it down further
  • Swallowing
    The process of the tongue pushing food particles down the throat
  • Esophagus
    The long pipe that food travels through
  • Stomach
    Releases acids and enzymes that further break down food particles
  • Pepsin
    Enzyme in the stomach that helps break down proteins
  • Small intestine
    Absorbs the broken down food particles and transfers them to the body through blood
  • Liver
    Secretes bile which helps break down fats
  • Pancreas
    Releases enzymes to help digest all kinds of food particles
  • Large intestine

    Absorbs water and other particles, sends waste material out of the body
  • Large intestine produces antibodies that help boost immunity
  • When your face becomes red due to blushing
    The lining of your stomach becomes red too