Extrenuous Variables

Subdecks (1)

Cards (12)

  • There are three types of extraneous variables; Participant, Situational & Investigator effects.
  • Participant variables
    Personal characteristics of the participant
  • Demand characteristics
    Participants are able to guess the aim of the study. It can influence participants behaviour.
  • Demand characteristics can lead to the Please-You, or Screw-You effect.
  • Situational and Experiementer variables can be solved through standardisation.
  • Standardisation
    When researchers make an extraneous variable same for all participants in a study.
  • To deal with participant variables, a researcher can match participants on the basis of their characteristics. Another way is through random allocation.
  • Demand characteristics can be controlled through either single, or double-blind study.
  • Confounding Variables

    Any variable, other than the IV, that could affect the DV. CV's change systematically with the IV