Module 4.3

Cards (18)

  • Waste management hierarchy

    1. Highlights the need for multiple approaches in managing waste
    2. Ranks different waste management strategies from most to least environmentally preferred
  • Source reduction strategies

    • Prevent wastes from being generated
  • Lightweighting
    Reduces the mass of the material used for packaging
  • Reusing
    Using products again in their original form
  • Recycling
    1. Reprocesses packaging materials into new products
    2. Recyclables are collected, sorted, cleaned, and processed into materials that can be used in manufacturing
    3. Recyclables are manufactured into new products for sale
    4. New packaging materials from recycled materials are bought and used
  • Energy recovery strategies

    Convert non-recyclable materials into useable heat, electricity, or fuel
  • Waste incineration
    Waste combustion under controlled conditions, usually coupled with energy recovery
  • Waste disposal
    Dumping or placement of any solid waste on land
  • Food recovery hierarchy

    1. Provides a framework for prioritizing actions to prevent and divert lost and wasted food
    2. Strategies are arranged from most to least preferred
  • Source reduction strategies (food)

    • Reduce the amount of surplus food generated
  • Shortening the food supply chain
    Can reduce the risk of food spoilage
  • Adoption of cook-to-order instead of bulk-cooking system in restaurants
    Can prevent the generation of leftovers
  • Feeding hungry people
    1. Donation of surplus food to food banks and other community service organizations
    2. Food banks collect food from various sources and store it for distribution
    3. Food pantries provide food packages for home preparation
    4. Soup kitchens provide and serve meals to individuals and families
  • Feeding animals

    Diverts food scraps to animal food
  • Industrial uses of lost and wasted food
    Include biofuel or other bioproducts
  • Anaerobic digestion

    Breakdown of organic materials using microorganisms to produce biogas and digestate
  • Composting
    1. Controlled decomposition of organic materials through the action of microorganisms
    2. Compost is partially decomposed organic matter primarily used as soil conditioner
    3. Composting is also the most attractive route for managing biodegradable polymers
  • Incineration (without energy recovery) or landfilling
    Last options to consider when managing lost and wasted food