
Cards (35)

  • Family - It is the basic unit of society.
  • Family - It is a group of people related by consanguinity that maintains a close relationship with each other. (Kingsley Davis)
  • Types of Families: (2)
    Family of Orientation, Family of Procreation
  • Practices in Tracing Family Lineage:
    Unilineal System
    Bilateral Sysyem
  • Unilineal System - exclusive identification to only one of the parent's lineage.
  • Bilateral System - people consider both the mother's and father's sides as their relatives.
  • Patrilineal - the fact of someone belonging to a particular family depends only on male relatives.
  • Matrineal - the fact of someone belonging to a particulat family, depends only on female relatives.
  • Societies' Rules for Marriage:
    Endogamy, Exogamy, Monogamy, Polygamy
  • Endogamy - Refers to the selection of a marriage partner withing one's social group.
  • Exogamy - refers to the selection of a marriage partner from a different social group.
  • Monogamy - practice of having only one partner for a life time.
  • Polygamy - Practice of marring more than one partner.
  • Polygyny - man has multiple wives.
  • Polyandry - woman has multiple husbands.
  • Postmarital residence rules:
    patrilocal, matrilocal, ambilocal, neolocal
  • patrilocal - the couples place of residence is near the grooms ancestral home.
  • matrilocal - the couple's house is near the bride's ancestral home.
  • ambilocal - a practice where the couple has the freedom to choose where to live.
  • Neolocal - the couples place of residence does not consider the distance to their relatives of both parties.
  • Fictive Kinship - kinship ties are formed through the following rituals, baptism, weddings, religious confirmation.
  • Household - refers to a group of people sharing a common house.
  • Nuclear Family - the parents and the children occupy a single house.
  • Extended family - includes other relatives in the house, aunts, uncles, etc..
  • Cohabilitation - is the practice of sharing a household by unmarried couples.
  • Type of Families:
    Transitional, single-parent, reconstituted
  • Legal Separation - allows the couple to stay in different households, but their marriage status is still considered valid.
  • Annulment - nullifies or voids the marriage.
  • Divorce - the absolute termination of marriage, which means that the marriage was valid, but the couple decided to formally separate.
  • Politics among family members: Patriarchal, matriarchal, egalitarian.
  • Political DYnasty - refers to families that hold political power for generations.
  • 2 types of political dynasty: Vertical political dynasty, Horizontal Political Dynasty
  • Vertical Political dynasties - Family members hold different positions on the government.
  • horizontal political dynasties - members of the same family hold the same position over time.
  • alliances - made between families to protect their wealth and power.