
Cards (14)

  • Interpretivists
    Reject the view that sociology is a science due to the lack of realism in scientific experiments
  • Science experiments
    • Typically conducted in artificial settings such as laboratories
    • Lack generalisation to conditions outside of the lab setting
    • May be subject to the Hawthorne effect, whereby participants alter their behaviour as they are aware their behaviours are being studied
  • Weber's view
    We should study human behaviours in terms of the meaning they attach to their actions
  • Interpretivist view

    Understanding the subjective meanings attached to behaviours is better as people in society differ, and there is no universal meaning of human behaviour
  • Verstehen
    To fully understand one's point of view, we must view life from their eyes or in other words put ourselves into other people's shoes
  • Interpretivist approach
    • Qualitative
    • Higher level of validity is more likely to come about, as researchers gain more in-depth material about what they are investigating so we can trust the results gathered from a study
  • Popper's view

    For a theory to be scientific, we must attempt to prove it as wrong (falsify it)
  • For sociology to be accepted as a science via falsification, then sociological theories would have to propose a testable hypothesis (every theory/statement outlined must be testable)
  • The Marxist concept of false class consciousness is rejected as it cannot be tested and thus, cannot be falsified
  • Popper's theory
    We should use a deductive method, meaning that we start with a theory and test evidence against it, if none of the evidence put forth contradicts the existing theory, the theory would then be accepted as a science
  • Positivist view

    An inductive method should be used, whereby we examine data and build a theory on the basis of this, and finally defend the theory with evidence that strengthens it
  • By providing evidence in support of a theory we will never know if any other knowledge strays away from it, Popper argues, that truth is only temporary, and knowledge is changeable
  • Paradigm shift
    If there is overwhelming evidence which contradicts the pre-existing paradigm, a paradigm shift takes place
  • If paradigm shifts are accurate, then objectivity, as suggested by positivists, are undermined, thus contradicting the statement that sociology can be a science