Cards (14)

  • Treaty of Berlin 1933
    improved diplomacy on the surface
  • who was the Non agrrssion pact 1934 between
    between germany and poland
  • the non agression pact of 1934 ended the USSR nn agression pact with poland and baltics duw to fears of invasion
  • USSR joined the leauge of Nations in 1934 as germnay leave increasing tensions
  • anti comintern agreemnet between italy, gemrnay and japan isolating communist russia
  • anschuluss 1938 with germany and austria further strengthineing germany which increases threat due to hitlers aggressive expensoinist actions
  • Purges upset GB and Frace as did stalins anti appeasement stance which further isolates USSR
  • USSR werent invited to the munich conference 1938 which feared international isolation of USSR so look tohitler as a potentai ally
  • when was the Nazi Soviet Pact
    august 1939
  • nazi soviet pact gave USSR in the baltics and finland there was some opposition toit in POlitburo but kargely a success
  • german invasion of Poland 1939 causing a neutral reaction for USSR
  • Triparite Pact 1940 between italy and japan which isolates russia from right wing military style governments
  • when was USSR invaded
    june 1941
  • how many deaths
    24 million