
    Cards (20)

    • measures of central tendency produce a single number which represents the middle value.
    • the mean takes into account all scores so is more representative but it is affected by outliers
    • the mode is less affected by outliers but data could have two modes
    • the median isn't affected by outliers but it doesn't represent a typical average
    • measures of dispersion show how spread out the results within a data set are
    • the range is easy to calculate but it isn't representative
    • the variance considers the difference between each data point and the mean. takes into account every score so isn't mislead by outliers
    • standard deviation converts the variance into the same units as the mean
    • a histogram uses ordinal or interval continuous data
    • normal distribution curve has the mean, mode and median all together in the middle.
    • a positive skewed curve is a side way P shape. most scores are low
    • a negative skewed curve is a side way b shape. most scores are high
    • for parametric tests the data must be equal interval and normal distribution.
    • chi squared and spearman Rho value must be more to be significant.
    • wilcoxon, binomial and mann whitney U value must be less to be significant.
    • mann whitney U can have different sample sizes
    • wilcoxon works out the difference between scores then ranks the differences. then add up the + and - ranks.
    • mann whitney U ranks both groups as 1
    • spearman rho ranks the data separate and then works out the difference between the ranks
    • chi squared labels the cells and works out the total row x total column and degrees of freedom (n row - 1) x (n column -1)
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