Alex II/III Opposition and Tsarist reaction

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  • Alex ii initial reforms encouraged spread of radical literature
  • Creation of Duma and Zemstva provided platform for intellectuals and educated to challenge tsarist policies whilst judicial reform founded challenging lawyers
  • Later repression reinforced demands for change - intelligensia mildly behaved - Vociferous student radicals and socialist
  • Emergency measures remained in place till 1917
  • 1881 - Okhrana
    1882 - allowed to declare any citizen subject to surveillance
  • Tolstoy appointed gov officials to have direct control over peasants and village communes
  • Education
    1884 - University statute
    Women barred from uni
    Fees raised to exclude poorer students
  • Local Gov
    1890 - Zemstva act
    • Centralused control of Zemstva under interior ministry
    • Peasant representation reduced
    • Zemstva continued proving roads and hospitals - key role in alleviation of famine effeats 1891 - 1892
    • Only 0.7% of population in Moscow and st petersburg could vote
  • Legal
    Wanted back power Alex ii gave away but struggled
    • Reduced number of crimes in law courts
    • Court martials helped privacy
    • MOJ could order a private trial - crime against state without jury
    • Judges lost security of tenure - increased corruption - moj appointed directly
    • Centralisation of power
  • Repression
    1881 - nationwide police offensive - 10k arrests
    • Okrana recruited thousands and uncovered revolutionaries and terrorist conspiracies
    • Post read, fake cab drivers
    • Thousands were exiled - majority innocent
    • Difficult to express dissident opinion
    • Peoples will never recovered - every act followed by wave of arrests - public revulsion to Alex ii death
    • Lenin’s brother hanged
  • Liberal intelligentsia
    Grew with economic and social reforms of nineteenth century
    Possessed knowledge, money, time and interest to reflect
    • Many had travelled abroad and could see Russia's stagnation
    • Nihilism and anarchism were influential + Westerners
  • Zemstva provided a place for liberal opposition to voice themselves and members hoped to reform autocracy
    Alex iii repressed their powers in 89-90
  • Slavophiles dissapeared under industrialisation which created conditions for western socialism. Split the intelligentsia with Marxism and socialism
  • 1891-92 famine - inaction of over-bureaucratic tsarist gov left the Zemstva in charge of relief - important to develop opposition
    mid 90’s called for national body to advise gov
  • radical opposition
    June 1862 a series of fires burned over 2k shops - Young Russia blamed
  • 1863 - The Organisation set up by Moscow uni students calling for reform - heightened by increased repression of 60’s and socialist writers
  • Tchaikovsky circle 

    1868-69 in St Petersburg - literary society which published revolutionary literature - no more than 100 people
    • Populism - 1874 2000 young went to countryside to talk about peasant commune - explore resentment - Ignrance and prejudice and loyalty to tsar - 1800 arrested
    • attempted 1876 - show trials held 77-78
  • Land and Liberty
    1877 - Carried out political assassinations - head of third section 1878
    Elicited lots of public sympathy - conversed with Zemstva
    1879 : split into black partition and the peoples will
    Black partition - worked peacefully with peasants - severely weakened by arrests in 80-81 - turned to Marxism
    The Peoples will - planted a spy in third section - advocated violence - 79 declared tsar had to be removed and killed him in 81
  • by 1890’S opposition stood little chance however with industrialisation came educated workers and illegal unions which developed Marxist discussion