Cards (4)

  • Sea wall - concrete walls that are placed at the foot of a cliff to prevent erosion. They are curved to reflect energy back into the sea.
    Adv. - effective at protecting the base of a cliff, sea walls usually have promenades so people can walk on them
    Disadv. - Waves are still powerful and can break down and erode the wall, very expensive, £2000 per metre
  • Rock armour - Large boulders placed at the foot of a cliff and they break the waves energy
    Adv. - cheaper than a sea wall and easy to maintian, can be used for fishing
    Disadv. - look different to local geology, the rocks are expensive to transport
  • Gabion - rocks that are held in metal mesh cages and places in areas of erosion
    Adv. - cheap, £100 per metre, absorbs wave energy
    Disadv. Not very strong, looks unnatural
  • Groynes - wooden or rock structures built at right angles into the sea
    Adv. - builds a beach that brings tourists, trap sediment being carried by longshore drift
    Disadv. - By trapping sediment it means it starves the beach further down increasing erosion rates further down, look unattractive.