
Subdecks (2)

Cards (76)

  • Behaviorism
    School of psychology always related to behavior, something that is observable, environmental factors affect behavior, talk about the past only
  • Humanistic psychology

    Emphasizes the potential for growth and change, holistic approach, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, optimal growth, free will, always focus on the positive elements of things and how you can improve yourself, safety love and acceptance, talk about present/future
  • Cognitive psychology
    Mental processes (thoughts, feeling, memory, language use, visual perception), also focuses on environmental, CBT, treat depression and anxiety, replace negative thoughts with realistic thoughts, believes that thoughts control behavior
  • Social cultural psychology
    Social interaction, cultural differences, comparison theory
  • Biological perspectives
    Biopsychosocial models consider the complex interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding behavior and mental states, past experience - childhood experience (Freud theory), starts from unconsciousness, behavior is objective
  • Defense mechanisms
    Denial, splitting, projection, projective identification, neurotic defense mechanisms (intellectualization, rationalization, regression, repression, displacement, reaction formation), mature defense mechanisms (humour, sublimation, suppression, altruism)
  • Repression
    When you want to forget something
  • Id
    Try to convince you to do what you want, primal urge
  • Superego
    This is the one telling you to do the right thing
  • Oral stage (fixated)

    • Oral Receptive- Preoccupied with eating, drinking, smoking, biting nails. Oral receptive people are generally passive.
    • Oral Aggressive- These people are hostile and verbally abusive to others.
  • Anal stage
    Anal Retentive – Anal retentive people will always seek order and tidiness. These people are perfectionists. (If parents tell kids when they should go potty when they were potty training)
  • Oedipus Complex (boys)

    • Mama's boy if that stage is not successful
    • Unconscious sexual desires towards mother, father is competition
    • Simultaneously fears the dad- "castration anxiety"
  • Phallic
    • Electra complex
    • Karen Horney's perspective "Womb envy"
    • Freud
    • Unconscious sexual desires towards father and mother is completion
    • Penis envy
  • Latency
    • 6 years - puberty
    • Sexual interest is repressed (nothing happening, stick to your own)
  • Genital
    • Time is too long (puberty til death) and kids are hitting puberty a lot earlier
    • Not applicable, as this the final stage
  • Denial
    Refusing to recognize that something had happened, used to deal with painful experiences
  • Splitting
    Seeing the world as good or bad, no in between
  • Splitting
    • Your best friend does not show up for lunch when she invited you, and you say it's done
  • Projection
    Taking your own insecurity and placing it on someone else
  • Projective identification
    Accusing someone of something and they actually do what you accused them of, an immature defense mechanism
  • Projective identification
    • Accusing your partner of cheating and they actually cheat
  • Intellectualization
    Just looking at the fact, for example, someone loses their job and they are just looking for a new job
  • Rationalization
    Involves making excuses to defend the behavior, or defend how might feel about it
  • Regression
    When you go back (sucking on your thumb as an adult)
  • Repression
    Usually happens when something traumatic happens, you cannot really remember, push it down to your unconscious memory
  • Displacement
    The shift of an emotion from its original focus to another object, person, or situation
  • Reaction formation
    Adopting beliefs, attitudes, and feelings contrary to what you really believe (DOING THE OPPOSITE) a young boy who bullies a young girl because, on a subconscious level, he's attracted to her
  • Humour
    Focusing on funny aspects of painful situation
  • Sublimation
    Taking frustration and anger on something else, for example, when someone is mad and they choose to go home and play a violent video game
  • Suppression
    Consciously push down a thought, temporarily hold back your hide unwanted feelings
  • Altruism
    Handling your own pain by helping others
  • Repression
    When you want to forget something