bio mass transport in plants

Cards (21)

  • give the parts of the leaf structure
    upper epidermis, lower epidermis, waxy cuticle, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, guard cell, stomata
  • give three things that happen at stomata
    oxygen diffuses out
    carbon dioxide diffuses in
    close at night to reduce water loss as no photosynthesis occurs
  • what is a xerophytic plant
    adapted to survive in environments with limited water
  • list the adaptations of xerophytes
    curled leaves
    sunken stomata
    thicker cuticle
    longer roots
  • why is curve leaves an advantage for xerophytes
    to trap moisture and increase humidity which reduces the water potential gradient from in to out so less evaporation
  • why is hairs an advantage for xerophytes
    trap moisture to increase humidity reduce the water potential gradient so less evaporation
  • why is a sunken stomata advantageous to xerophytes
    trap moisture and increase humidity, reduces water potential gradient and less evaporation
  • why is a thicker cuticle advantageous for xerophytes
    to prevent evaporation
  • why is longer roots advantageous for xerophytes
    so can reach more water
  • what is transpiration
    loss of water vapour from the stomata by evaporation
  • what are the four factors which affect transpiration
    light intensity
  • how does light intensity affect transpiration
    positive correlation
    more light causes more stomata to open therefore larger surface area for evaporation
  • how does temperature affect the rate of transpiration
    positive correlation
    more heat means more kinetic energy so faster molecules so more evaporation
  • how does humidity affect the rate of transpiration
    negative correlation
    more water vapor in the air will make water potential more positive outside leaf therefore reduces water potential gradient
  • how does wind affect the rate of transpiration
    positive correlation
    more wind will blow away humid air containing water vapour therefore maintaining water potential gradient
  • where is the most negative water potential on a tree
    at the top
  • what three things cause movement water up the xylem
    root pressure
  • explain cohesion in cohesion tension theory
    water is polar so forms hydrogen bonds
    means that the water molecules stick together in one continuous column
  • explain adhesion in cohesion tension theory
    water molecules stick to other molecules, at the xylem wall
    the narrower the wall= greatest impact
  • explain root pressure in cohesion tension theory
    water moves in by osmosis
    increases volume and pressure
    forces water up (positive pressure)
  • explain movement of water up xylem
    1. water evaporates out of stomata creating low pressure
    2. more water is pulled up the xylem to replace (negative pressure)
    3. water molecules create column due to cohesion and their hydrogen bonds
    4. water molecules adhere to the walls
    5. as column of water is pulled up the xylem it creates tension so the xylem is narrower