Openings (spiracles) at body surface branch into a series of air-filled tubes (tracheae & tracheoles) which facilitate diffusion to all cells of the body
Aspirate into lungs by a negative intrapulmonary pressure, Incomplete diaphragm membrane (lizards, snakes & crocs), Septate with partitions to increase surface area
Complex series of thin walled air sacs, Parallel cylindrical tubes (parabronchi) function as gas exchange surface, Capillaries extend radially, Bellow mechanism ensures unidirectional air flow
Inhalation: 1. fresh air bypasses lungs to posterior air sacs, 2. fresh air moves out of posterior air sacs into lung, 3. anterior air sacs fill with stale air, 4. stale air exits from anterior air sac
Similarities in anatomical structure and air flow suggest these features are plesiomorphic for Archosauria and may have evolved a hundred million years before the origin of birds