The totality of a person's appearance, expression, behavior and interaction within the digital platform, particularly the INTERNET
Online identity
Often created to engage in virtual communities found in various websites and social networking sites
Digital self
The self in the digital and virtual world
The world is at your fingertips
We live in highly mediated times
Expressions of identity nowadays involve layers of make-believe selves
Many people are used to maintaining social media accounts and presenting themselves in a particular manner to a much bigger audience
People nowadays are more interconnected than at any point in history
With the digital revolution in full swing, the challenge to maintain a coherent sense of identity is prominent
Digital world
Presents a different reality as compared to the actual physical reality that people usually live in
Digital realities
Interactions occur behind the screen so documenting the daily life and experiences through posting photos and videos, sharing interests and life events as they happen now characterize the new norm
Enables the individual to control other people's perception to oneself, thereby, reinforcing the creation of online identities
Ridley and Suler (2004): 'Refer to this extensive online sharing as "disinhibition effect" where people feel so much freedom to express their "true selves" without the fear of being seen or judged'
Online self expression
Through vlogs, photos or even video-sharing can indeed be therapeutic for some individual online users because it provides an opportunity for self-analysis and reflection
Virtual romance
Speeds through moments and cuts to the chase
The act of luring someone into a (largely virtual) relationship with the use of online alter-egos
The non-physical properties one gets to try and interact with when consuming technology
Manifestations of abstraction
Real-Life Reality
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Interrelated with performativity
Technology provides new venues for forging identities and personhoods
Our lives online revolve around performance
Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959)
Erving Goffman's landmark book which analogizes the nuances of social interaction with those of the theater
Heavily role-oriented, with individuals being assigned specific ones to portray
Regions of social interaction
Front stage
Back stage
Impression management
A process wherein each attempts to manufacture and present one's self positively to avoid embarrassment
Elements of dramaturgical self
Online communication and the number of information available on the internet enable individual users to engage in sexual self-exploration
Online behavior may result to online sexual solicitation and even harassment because no one knows who you really are
Caution must be exercised at all times, refrain from disclosing too much about yourself online such as sensitive topics because once a personal information is shared online, it can easily fall into the wrong hands
Online identity
The totality of a person's appearance, expression, behavior and interaction within the digital platform, particularly the INTERNET
Online identity
Often created to engage in virtual communities found in various websites and social networking sites
Digital self
The self in the digital and virtual world
The world is at your fingertips
We live in highly mediated times
Expressions of identity nowadays involve layers of make-believe selves
Many people are used to maintaining social media accounts and presenting themselves in a particular manner to a much bigger audience
People nowadays are more interconnected than at any point in history
With the digital revolution in full swing, the challenge to maintain a coherent sense of identity is prominent
Digital world
Presents a different reality as compared to the actual physical reality that people usually live in
Digital realities
Interactions occur behind the screen so documenting the daily life and experiences through posting photos and videos, sharing interests and life events as they happen now characterize the new norm