Partial pressure: the pressure that a gas contributes to the total pressure of a gas mixture
Haemoglobin: a protein containing iron found in red blood cells, bindoxygen molecules in red blood cells, allowing the transport of oxygen throughout the body
Alveoli, capillaries, and bronchioles diagram
A) Alveoli
B) Capilaries
C) Bronchioles
Alveoli increase the surface area of the lungs for increased rate of diffusion of gases
For efficient gas exchange:
thinbarrier to be crossed (cell membrane)
efficientremoval of substance after transfer (blood flow)
adequatesupply of gas (no ventilation means lower gas exchange)
Fish have lamellae which have large surface area
Pathway of air:
Pharynx (back of mouth/throat)
Alveoli is the site of gas exchange
Alveoli and capillary gas exchange process:
oxygen dissolves in alveoli's moist inner surface
diffuses through capillary membrane into blood
carbon dioxide diffuses across capillary membrane into alveolus
capillary and muscle tissue gas exchange process:
oxygen diffuses through capillary membrane into muscle tissue
carbon dioxide diffuses through capillary membrane into blood