ignores the role of environment, family, childhood experiences and social situations
biological explanations are deterministic as they suggest that behaviour is predetermined by genetics or brain chemistry.
it assumes that all people with the same condition will have similar symptoms which isn't true because there can be different causes of the same disorder.
the biological approach ignores the impact of culture on mental health issues such as depression which can be influenced by cultural factors.
it assumes that all individuals will respond to drugs in the same way but this isn't true because some people may have an adverse reaction to medication.
there is no clear distinction between nature (genes) and nurture (environment).
some argue that it is too reductionist - focusing on one aspect of human experience to explain complex behaviours.
ignores the role of free will
using biology to explain negative behaviour can be seen as excusing people and abstaining people of responsibility
identical twins are also raised in the same environment so may not be genes alone
only 48% concodrance rate- doesnt explain the 52%
used interview data which may be affected by social desirablity bias
cant rule out the children with mothers who dont have SZ developing SZ later on