10-21um, round or oval, irregular outline, cytoplasm is refractile, clear and granular with a lobed nucleus, large amount indicate inflammation, eosinophils indicate immune response to parasitic infection
Perfectly round, highly refractile, sizes vary, no internal structure, may come in several layers, stains orange to red with Sudan III, too much fats in stool is termed steatorrhea
Trapped air in fecal smear, perfectly round (sometimes irregular), refractile, sizes are variable, no internal structure, confused with cyst or Taenia egg
Colorless, hyaline rectangular or oval cells, with double contour and chlorophyll bodies, seldom possess the regular shape that characterizes helminth eggs
50-300um, colorless or pale yellow, curved, rather rigid, wide and clean cut at one end, narrow central canal between two transparent refractile layers
Disintegrated products of eosinophil, diamond-shaped/Compass needle appearance, may indicate hypersensitivity or allergic reactions, may indicate parasitic infections
Patients should avoid eating certain foods and taking certain medications prior to specimen collection to prevent false-positive and false-negative reactions with guaiac dye tests
Specimen migrates chromatographically by capillary action across the cassette, human hemoglobin (if present at or higher than 25 ng/mL) binds to the anti-Hb conjugate which is then captured by the pre-coated reagent forming a colored Test (T) line