ORGANELLES: Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain organelles & other features including: a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, ribosomes (although they are smaller in prokaryotes)
CELL SURFACE MEMBRANE: Both have cell surface membranes made of a phospholipid bilayer
(responsible for controlling the passage of substances across exchange surfaces)
ORGANISMS: Prokaryotic cells make up single-celled organisms (eg bacteria). Eukaryotic cells make up complex eukaryotic organisms (eg animals, plant, fungi, algae)
SIZE COMPARISON: Eukaryotic cells are 10-100µm. Prokaryotic cells are 0.1-5.0µm.
ORGANELLES: Prokaryotes do not have any membrane -bound organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, etc)
DNA: In eukaryotes are found as chromosomes in the nucleus. In prokaryotes are found as a circular module in the cytoplasm.
DNA: Prokaryotic DNA is found as a circular module in the cytoplasm.
PLASMIDS: smaller loops of DNA not part of the main circular DNA molecule. Bacteria can exchange plasmids with other bacteria (sometimes receiving beneficial new genes that can be added to their DNA) e.g. antibiotic resistance often spreads through a bacterial economy through plasmid exchange.
CAPSULE: The capsule enables prokaryotic cells to attach to surfaces in its environment
FLAGELLA, PILI, FIMBRIAE: Flagella= tail like used for locomotion. Some prokaryotes have 0 and some more than 1. Pili= used to exchange genetic material during conjugation (a type of reproduction). Fimbriae= used by bacteria to attach to a host cell
BINARY FISSION: How prokaryotes replicate
REPLICATION OF GENETIC MATERIAL: replication of the circular DNA and plasmids
MIGRATION OF GENETIC MATERIAL: The 2 sets of genetic material migrates towards opposite poles
CYTOPLASM BEGINS TO DIVIDE: The cytoplasmic contents divide to give both new cells substance to sustain life
FORMATION OF DAUGHTER CELLS: 2 genetically identical daughter cells formed, each with one of the circular DNA and many plasmid copies. Only difference= number of plasmid copies in each cell.
ANIMAL CELL: Organelles include mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmicreticulum, golgi, lysosomes, nucleus. Animal cells are enclosed by a cell membrane.
PLANT CELL: Contains all the organelles found in animal cells plus a vacuole (a respiratory of cell sap), chloroplasts (the site of photosynthesis), cellwall (made of cellulose and contains plasmodesmata, through which cells exchange substances with each other)
Non- living and acellular (don't contain cells)
Made up of nucleic acids (DNA & RNA) surrounded by a capsid (a type of protein coat)
STRUCTURE: The cytoplasm is made up of organelles suspended in a gel like cytosol. 70% of the cytoplasm is water and it also contains proteins, sugars, ions, fatty aids
FUNCTION: METABOLIC REACTIONS: take place is the cytoplasm (metabolic energy= energy released from respiration).
ORGANELLES: different organelles perform functions in the cytoplasm, organelles are not cells even if they are surrounded by membranes.
A large organelle that contains the cell's DNA and controls the cell's activities
The nucleoplasm is the semi-solid fluid inside the nucleus where the chromatin and nucleolus are found
In eukaryotes the nucleus contains linear chromosomes made up of DNA
The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclearenvelope and it's a double membrane structure that controls the entry and exit of materials from the nucleus that has pores
Both the inner and the outer membranes of the nuclear envelope are phospholipid bilayers
A small spherical region of the nucleus within the nucleoplasm that manufacturer rRNA and assembles ribosomes, there can be more than 1 nucleolus in a nucleus
STRUCTURE: A series of flattened membrane sacs. CISTERNAE: stack of membranes that make flattened sacs. VESICLES: small rounded hollow structures
FUNCTION: Transport vesicles form at ER and fuse with Golgi apparatus. The transport vesicles empty proteins and lipids into the lumen of the Golgi apparatus. As the proteins and lipids travel through the Golgi apparatus they are sorted, packaged, and tagged so they are sent to the right place
STRUCTURE: Are membrane -bound, fluid -filled vesicles located in the cytoplasm. They are small, round and seen in a high density near the edges of the sacs . Lysosomes are a type of Golgi vesicle .
FUNCTION: Store and transport modified proteins & lipids from Golgi apparatus to target cells. LYSOSOMES: are a special Golgi vesicle . They contain the enzyme lysozymes that aid the breakdown of proteins, polysaccharides ,lipidsnucleic acids, and old organelles .
STRUCTURE: Type of Golgi vesicle/ enzymes formed when the vesicles by the Golgi apparatus contain enzymes eg protease and lipase and lysosomes. Lysosomes isolate enzymes before releasing them (to the outside or into a phagocytic vesicle within the cell). Contains enzyme lysozyme
FUNCTION: Hydrolyse material ingested by phagocytic cells (eg white blood cells & bacteria). Release enzymes to outside cell to destroy material outside the cell. Digest worn out organelles (so chems in them can be reused). Hydrolyse the cell walls of some bacteria.
STRUCTURE: Small cytoplasmic granules that can be free-floating in the cytoplasm attached to the cytoplasmic side of the endoplasmicreticulum (ER). Ribosomes are very small organelles made up of protein subunits. This means they are not covered by a membrane.
FUNCTION: Are in charge of protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is an essential function of all cells, which is why ribosomes are found in mostly any cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
A series of interconnected sheet-like membrane sacs and tubes, continuous with the outer nuclear membrane
STRUCTURE: Is a rigid covering that protects the cell. Plant,fungal, algal cells have cell walls. The major organic molecule in fungal cell walls is chitin while plant and algal cell walls are made of cellulose (a polysaccharide made up of glucose units) embedded in a matrix. MIDDLELAMELLA: a thin layer that marks the boundary between adjacent cell walls and joins adjacent cells together
FUNCTION: Provides structural support and gives shape to the cell (eg prevents bursting from osmosis). Allow water to pass along it