Player cannot stay inside the painted area more than 3 consecutive seconds
Offensive 3 seconds
Staying in the key for three seconds or more while on offense
Defensive 3 seconds
A defensive player staying in the lane or in the key longer than 3 seconds without guarding
Five seconds violation
1. Failure to inbound the ballfive second after receiving it
2. When a player holds the ball for 5sec. and does not shoot, pass or dribble the ball while being closely guarded by an opponent
Eight seconds violation
The offensive fails to cross half court eight seconds after inbounding the ball
24 seconds violation
Also called a shot clock violation, occurs when a basketball team fails to shoot the ball before the shot clock runs out
One of the basic ideas of the sport of basketball is that you have to dribble or bounce the ball while you are walking or running. When you have stopped dribbling one of your feet will become your pivot foot.You cannot move your pivot foot or lift it off of the ground. If you do, this is called traveling
Double dribble
Dribbling the ball before picking it up and dribbling again
Lifting / carrying the ball
Scooping the ball to carry it while dribbling
Illegal throw in / stepping in the line
Stepping over the line while throwing
Kicked ball / kicking the ball
Kicking the ball, intentionally or unintentionally
Jump ball violation
An infraction before the ball is tipped
Backcourt violation
Is an illegal play that the offense committed while in their own half of the court. Teams cannot commit backcourt violations by taking too long to cross the mid-court line, or by dribbling or passing into the backcourt after they cross the mid-court line
Goaltending & ball tending
Interfering with a shot when it is on a downward arc into the basket
Positions in basketball
Point guard
Shooting guard
Small forward
Power forward
Point guard
The point guard runs the offense and usually is the team's best dribbler and passer. The point guard defends the opponent's point guard and tries to steal the ball
Shooting guard
The shooting guard is usually the team's best shooter. The shooting guard can make shots from long distance and also is a good dribbler
Small forward
The small forward plays against small and large players. They roam all over on the court. Small forwards can score from long shots and close ones
Power forward
The power forward does many of the things a center does, playing near the basket while rebounding and defending taller players. But power forwards also take longer shots than centers
The center is the tallestplayer on each team, playing near the basket. On offense, the center tries to score on close shots and rebound. But on defense, the center tries to block opponents' shots and rebound their misses