Ozymandias Best Quotes

Cards (11)

  • Distancing
    The poet/speaker distances themselves from the description of Ozymandias, both in time and space
  • Shelley is writing about a dictator, most people take this to be Napoleon who was defeated in 1815
  • Shelley is writing against the political ruling class in Britain
    The general who defeated Napoleon, Lord Wellington, is going to become Prime Minister
  • Shelley creates distance between himself and the antique land he is describing to avoid appearing unpatriotic
  • Shelley wants to show that the thirst for power and desire to be an absolute ruler is as old as history
  • Ozymandias' statue
    • Wrinkled lip - conveys a sneer, associated with age
    • Sneer - suggests the ruler rules with contempt
    • Told command - harsh sounding, emphasises the ruler's emotionless, cold nature
  • The hand that mocked them
    Can refer to Ozymandias mocking his people, or the sculptor mocking Ozymandias
  • The ruler's heart
    Feeding them - ironic, as the ruler is cold-hearted and offers his people nothing
  • The sculptor's art has survived Ozymandias, outlasting his political power
  • Look on my works ye mighty and despair: 'Ironic - Ozymandias intended this to celebrate his power, but now it celebrates the artist's power'
  • The reference to the Colossus of Rhodes is a double illusion - it suggests even mighty symbols of power get destroyed, but the Colossus itself was a myth that lived on