Comprises of machinery and equipment arranged in a sequence with components added to a good as it proceeds through each step, with the process controlled by computers
Computer systems that can perform tasks normally requiring human comprehension or reasoning, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages
is a materials planning tool that predicts customer demand for an upcomingperiod using past data and markettrends
master production schedule
a plan that details what is to be produced and when
is a process that itemises the types and quantities of materials required to meet production targets set out in the MRP
justin time
a materials management strategy that ensures that the rightamount of materialinputs will arrive only as they are needed in the production process
the use of inspections at regularintervals in the production process to check for problems and defects
involves a business achieveing a certified standard of quality in its production after an independentbodyassesses its operations system
an ongoing, business-widecommitment to excellence that is applied to every aspect of the businesses operations; customerfocus, continousimprovement, employeeempowerment
aims to limit the amount of waste produced in the first place
focuses on finding newuses for items that would otherwise become waste
involves convertingwastematerials into newproducts
lean management
an approach that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of operations by eliminating waste and improving quality
relates to avoiding overproduction and stockpiling by enabling customerdemand to dictate the rate at which products are delivered.
involves focusing on 'one-piece at a time', minimisinginterruptions within the operations system
is the averagetime that passes between production starting on one unit of a product and the start of production of the next unit
involves the business striving for perfection
refers to the responsibility a business has above and beyond its legalobligations to the wellbeing of employees, customer, the community and the environment.
globalsourcing of inputs
the practice of seekingmaterials and other resources from anywhere in the world
overseas manufacture
the production of a good in a country that is different to the location of the business'headquaters
the contracting of non-core business activities to an external business located anywhere in the world