What were females excluded from in the 19th century?
In the 19th century, females were excluded from higher education.
What did girls have to do under the tripartite system?
Under the tripartite system, girls had to achieve higher on the 11+ than boys to get into grammar schools.
What has there been an increase in since the 1970s?
Since the 1970s there has been an increase in policies to try and reduce gender inequality.
What is an example of two policies introduced to try and reduce gender inequality?
An example of two policies introduced to try and reduce gender inequality are WISE and GIST.
Define WISE:
WISE stands for women in sicence and engineering and is an educational policy.
Define GIST:
GIST stands for women into science and technology and is an educational policy.
How many phases have policies aimed at raising the achievements of children from ethnic minority groups gone through?
Policies aimed at raising the achievements of children from ethnic minority groups have gone through 3 phases.
What are the three phases of policies aimed at raising ethnic minority achievement?
The three phases of policies aimed at raising ethnic minority achievement are:
- Assimilation
- Multicultural education
- Social inclusion
Define assimilation:
Assimilation is an educational policy that focused on the need for ethnic minority pupils to assimilate into mainstream British culture to raise achievement.
What period of time were assimilation policies implemented?
Assimilation policies were implemented vetween the 60s and 70s.
Which students did assimilation policies especially focus on?
Assimilation policies especially focused on those who english was not their first language.
(AO3) What do critics of assimilation say about ethnic minority groups and english?
Critics of assimilation argue that underachieving ethnic minorities such as Black Carribeans can already speak English.
(AO3) What do critics of assimilation say about the causes of ethnic minority underachievement?
Critics of assimilation state that the causes of ethnic minority underachievement are poverty and racism, not a lack of english language skills.
Define multicultural education:
Multicultural education (MCE) refers to policies that aimed to promote the achievements of children from ethnic minority backgrounds through valuing all cultures in the national curriculum.
What period of time were MCE policies implemented?
MCE policies were implemented between the 80s and 90s.
How did multicultural education aim to increase the achievement of ethnic minority groups?
Multicultural education aimed to increase the achievement of ethnic minority groups by raising their self esteem.
(AO3) What does Maureen Stone state about multicultural education and black pupils.
Maureen Stone states that black pupils do not fail due to low self esteem, and MCE suggests this.
(AO3) What do critical race theorists state about MCE?
Critical race theorists state that MCE is tokenism and picks out sterotypical features of minority cultures to include in the national curriculum.
(AO3) What does MCE fail to do according to critical race theorists?
According to critical race theorists, MCE fails to tackle institutional racism.
Define institutional racism:
Institutional racism is the racism that is built into the way institutions such as schools operate.
(AO3) What do the new right criticise MCE for?
The new right criticise MCE for perpetuating cultural divisions.
(AO3) What should the education system promote according to the new right?
According to the new right, the education system should promote a shared national culture and identity in which minorities should be assimilated.
Define social inclusion:
Social inclusion refers to policies that aimed to raise ethnic minority achievement.
What period of time were social inclusion policies implemented?
Social inclusion policies were implemented in the late 90s.
What did social inclusion monitor in detail?
Social inclusion included the detailed monitoring of exam results by ethnicity.
What did social inclusion amend and why?
Social inclusion amended the Race Relations Act to place a legal duty on schools to promote racial equality.
What did social inclusion create help for in the black community?
Social inclusion created help for voluntary saturday schools in the black community.
What programme did the social inclusion act include?
The social inclusion act included the english as an additional language programme.
(AO3) What does Heidi Safia Mirza say about educational policy and its approach?
Heidi Safia Mirza says that educational policy takes a soft approach.
(AO3) What three things does educational policy focus too much on according to Heidi Safia Mirza?
According to Heidi Safia Mirza, educational policy focuses too much on culture, behaviour and the home.
(AO3) What should educational policy focus on instead according to Mirza?
According to Mirza, educational policy should focus on the structural causes of inequality such as poverty and racism.
(A03) What does Gillborn state about educational policy?
Gillborn states that institutionally racist policies in relation to the ethnocentric curriculum, assessment, and streaming continue to disadvantage ethnic minorities.
examples of multiculturalism
having classes which specifically educated students about the languages, religions and diets of different minority ethnic groups.
Changing text books so that they had broader representation of ethnic minorities.