education policies

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  • educational policy
    refers to plans and strategies of education introduced by government
  • 1880
    state made schooling compulsory from ages 5-13
  • 1944 tripartite system
    policy where everyone went to one of three schools - grammar, secondary modern and technical.
    conservative gov
  • 11+ exams

    Exams sat by children at the end of primary school to determine which secondary school the child goes to.
  • grammar schools
    school that offered more academic curriculum- mainly middle class
  • secondary modern schools
    school that was more vocational, non-academic- mainly for working class
  • technical schools

    Schools that offer programs that teach the specific skill requirements to begin working in a trade.- mainly working class
  • 1944 butler act

    brought tripartite system
  • 1965 comprehensive act

    wanted to abolish 11+ exams replaced with comprehensive exams
    harold wilson- labour pm
  • comprehensive
    A type of school attended by all children regardless of ability or aptitude.
  • 1976
    push for vocational education
    harold wilson- labour mp
    introduced- youth training schemes, NVQs
  • 1988 education reform act

    act brought in marketisation policies- turning schools into businesses and competition
    Margaret thatcher- conservative MP
  • parentocracy
    'rule by parents'
    giving parents more choice on Childs education
    e.g ofsted
  • cream skimming
    'Good' schools can be more selective of pupils and recruit high achieving, mainly middle-class pupils.
  • silt-shifting
    'Good' schools can avoid taking less able pupils who are likely to get poor results and damage the school's league table position.
  • formula funding
    schools allocated funds by a formula based on how many pupils they attract
  • 1997 new labour

    introduced policies to reduce inequality
    combined new right with old labour
    e.g Education Action Zones, Aim higher programme, Education maintenance allowances
  • 2010 coalition gov

    conservative led coalition gov
    aimed to reduce role of the state in provision of education
    e.g academies, free schools
  • Privatisation
    the opening up of state education to private businesses
  • academies
    state-funded schools that are funded directly by the government rather than by the local education authority.
    some run by private educational businesses
    introduced by 2010 coalition gov
  • free schools
    Schools set up by charities, teachers and businesses or parents but funded by the state. They were introduced by the coalition government after 2010.
  • pupil premium
    money that schools receive for each pupil from a disadvantaged background
    coalition gov 2010 policy
  • cola-isation of Schools

    This means the private sector is penetrating education indirectly e.g. vending machines on school premises, sponsorship and development of brand loyalty through displays of logos
  • Assimilation policies
    based on the idea that ethnic minorities should adopt the language, customs, and values of the national majorities, and abandon their own cultural heritage.
  • compensatory education
    aims to tackle cultural deprivation by providing extra funds and resources to schools and communities in deprived areas.
    introduced by 1997 labour gov
  • multicultural education policies

    aimed to promote education of children from minority ethnic groups
    created in 1980-90s
  • sure start
    Schemes to provide additional pre-school education and resources for parents in deprived inner city areas.
    introduced by 1997 labour gov
  • PISA
    international ranking scheme- allows countries to compare standards
    study conducted globally that tests skills of students in reading, maths and science
  • globalisation of education
    PISA testing
    prioritisation of STEM subjects
    marketisation/ privatisation policies
    growth of internet- home learning
  • neoliberalism
    refers to an economic theory that favours free markets and minimal government intervention in the economy.
    economic theory of the new right