aimed to reduce role of the state in provision of education
e.g academies, free schools
the opening up of state education to private businesses
state-funded schools that are funded directly by the government rather than by the local education authority.
some run by private educational businesses
introduced by 2010 coalition gov
free schools
Schools set up by charities, teachers and businesses or parents but funded by the state. They were introduced by the coalition government after 2010.
pupil premium
money that schools receive for each pupil from a disadvantaged background
coalition gov 2010 policy
cola-isation of Schools
This means the private sector is penetrating education indirectly e.g. vending machines on school premises, sponsorship and development of brand loyalty through displays of logos
Assimilation policies
based on the idea that ethnic minorities should adopt the language, customs, and values of the national majorities, and abandon their own cultural heritage.
compensatory education
aims to tackle cultural deprivation by providing extra funds and resources to schools and communities in deprived areas.
introduced by 1997 labour gov
multicultural education policies
aimed to promote education of children from minority ethnic groups
created in 1980-90s
sure start
Schemes to provide additional pre-school education and resources for parents in deprived inner city areas.
introduced by 1997 labour gov
international ranking scheme- allows countries to compare standards
study conducted globally that tests skills of students in reading, maths and science
globalisation of education
PISA testing
prioritisation of STEM subjects
marketisation/ privatisation policies
growth of internet- home learning
refers to an economic theory that favours free markets and minimal government intervention in the economy.