the cell cycle is the sequence of growth and division of a cell
the interphase is when the cell grows, and the organelles double prior to the actual splitting of the nucleus
93% of a cell's life is spent in the interphase
the three parts of the interphase are growth 1, synthesis, and growth 2
growth 1 is the primary growth phase of the cell
growth 1 fills the gap between cytokinesis and DNA synthesis
in growth 1, proteins are synthesized and cell organelles are produced
In the synthesis phase, the DNA of the cell is replicated to produce 2 identical structures
sister chromatids are 2 identical structures
histones are basic polypeptides forming the core of the nucleosome
growth 2 fills the space between DNA synthesis and the beginning of cell division
cell division is the process when a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells
cell division has two types: mitosis and meiosis
mitosis takes place in the non-reproductive cells such as in the skin and bones
in mitosis, 2 identical daughter cells are reproduced from a single parent
in the prophase, the nucleolus disappears in the nucleus
in the prophase, the chromatin fibers becomes more tightly coiled
in the prophase, each chromosome appears as 2 identical sister chromatids joined at the centromere
in the prophase, spindle fibers begin to form
in the prophase, centrioles move away from each other
in the metaphase, centrioles are in the opposite poles of the cell
in the metaphase, chromosomes gather at the metaphase plate
in the metaphase, centromeres of all chromosomes are aligned with one another
in the metaphase, each chromosome is attached to the spindle fibers from the opposite ends of the parent cell
in the anaphase, the paired chromatids of each chromosome separate from each other
in the anaphase, chromatids begin to move along the microtubules toward the opposite poles of the cell
in the anaphase, chromosomes move through shortening the spindle fibers
at the end of the anaphase, two poles of the cell have an equal and complete collection of chromosome
in the telophase, new nuclear membranes start to form at the 2 poles of the cell
in the telophase, chromatin fiber of each chromosome uncoils
karyokinesis refers to the equal division of one nucleus into 2 genetically identical nuclei
cytokinesis refers to the division of the cytoplasm
meiosis produces half of the number of chromosomes
diploid chromosomes represents the equal distribution of 2 parents to the offspring
in prophase1, 2 sister chromatids are duplicated
synapsis refers to when the chromosomes pair with their homologous
tetrad refers to the cross over and the exchange of genetic material
in metaphase1, spindle fibers are fully formed. the paired homologous chromosomes align at the metaphase plate with the homologous facing the opposite poles
in anaphase1, members of the homologous pairs separate from each other and move toward opposite poles
in telophase1 and cytokinesis, 2 daughter cells are formed. each cell contains only one chromosome of each homologous pair