Almonds have very low chill requirements, being about 200-300 hours
Vegetative growth occurs on lateral buds, stems, terminal buds, and on spurs
Vegetative growth is directly behind bloom and very early
Flowering occurs in Febuary
Vegetative growth occurs in Spring (march and april)
Vegetative growth can happen as late as June depending on the management used
Vegetative growth can be affected by lack of N or water
Most vegetative growth stops before June
Almonds have a heat-induced dormancy because the vegetative growth will stop in summer
Flower bud initiation for the next year occurs in late summer to early fall
Too much drought stress can cause a negative impact on next year's growth
Most of the reproductive growth happens on the long-lived spurs
The spurs alternate bare, but the tree and orchard does not
Reproductive growth mainly occurs on developing spurs with a little bit on 1-year old growth
The productivity of a spur is determined by the leaf area of a spur from last year
It is necessary to promote and support vegetative growth and spur health
Potassium plays a big role in reproductive growth
20% of spurs typically set fruit in a year due to self thinning
The flower will produce pollen and nectar which is helpful to attract bees
Almonds are an early flowering crop
There are 3 waves of nut drop
The first wave of nut drop occurs days after bloom which is before the ovule enlarges and is the drop of all fruits that were unsuccessfully pollinated
The second wave of nut drop happens weeks into bloom and drops all crop that was not properly fertilized
If nuts are not properly fertilized there will be slight ovary enlargement but then it stops and drops
The third wave of nut drop is June Drop
June Drop occurs in April to May
June Drop causes fertilized fruit to stop growing and abscise at the pedunckle
June Drop can be influenced by climate and cultivar
Post June Drop most of the remaining flowers will set fruit
Almonds have gametophytic self incompataibility
Almonds have compatible and incompatible pollen tubes
Almonds are incompatible to pollen from other cultivars that have a similar genetic makeup
The pollen tubes won't grow properly when there is self incompatibility
If the pollen grain has the same genetic makeup then the plant will stop the pollen tube growth
The plant has a gene that is able to recognize and codes for self incompatibility
Self incompatibility promotes genetic diversity
If you grow a self incompatible cultivar you will need at least 2 other cultivars, usually more
An allele us an alternate version of a gene. The plant gets one copy from each parent
Even if the pollen is only half compatible then it can still be fertilized but it is recommended that the plant is fully compatible