
Subdecks (1)

Cards (18)

  • What are the two types of interference?
    Proactive and retroactive
  • What is proactive interference?
    Old memory replaces a newer one
  • What is retroactive interference?
    New memory replaces an older one
  • What is interference?
    Two pieces of information disrupting each other
  • What is the effect of interference?
    Forgetting one or both pieces of information
  • What memory store has interference been proposed as an explanation for forgetting in?
    Long-term memory
  • Interference is worse when the memories are similar
  • Who proposed interference is worse when the memories are similar?
    McGeoch and McDonald
  • How did McGeoch and McDonald study retroactive interference?
    Changing the amount of similarity between two sets of materials
  • What was the procedure in McGeoch and McDonald's study?
    Pps learn a list of 10 words, then learned a new list
  • What did McGeoch and McDonald find in relation to similarity?
    Recall worse when material most similar
  • What did McGeoch and McDonald conclude?
    interference is strongest when memories are similar
  • Proactive - Previously stored information makes new similar information more difficult to store
  • Retroactive - New information overwrites previous similar memories because of the similarity