UGT and CNT continue to organise strikes to protest low wages - often led to violent clashes between Falange Militia and strikers
Right wing militants provoke left wing reprisals to add further credence to claims the left is lawless and PF government is powerless and has lost control
Calvo Sotelo and Gil Robles frequently claimed PSOE and PCE were planning a revolution (they weren't)
PCE: followed Soviet policy (soviet government seeking alliances against facism) that discouraged revolution and to instead build trust with democratic governments
PSOE: also keen to avoid revolution. Wanted to present itself as a lawful party that backed democracy to win middle class support
Mola assumed army would quickly crush resistance and overthrow government
Spanish Military Union (UME): secretive organisation of more than 3,500 officers that played key part in establishment of cells of conspirators throughout the country